====== Czech academic identity federation eduID.cz ====== Welcome to the Czech academic identity federation **eduID.cz** site! The purpose of the eduID.cz federation is to provide means for inter-organizational identity management and access control to network services, while respecting the privacy of the users. The eduID.cz federation is operated by [[https://www.cesnet.cz/|CESNET]]. eduID.cz is a member of [[http://www.edugain.org/technical/status.php|eduGAIN]] and participates in [[https://refeds.org/federations/federations-map|REFEDS]]. ====== Why federation? ====== * users may access multiple applications using just one password * single sign-on * service provider administrators do not have to preserve user's credentials and implement authentication * user authentication is always performed at the home organization, user credenitals are not revealed to the service providers * the federation infrastructure implements easy, standards-compliant and secure methods for exchange of user information ====== Federation structure ====== [[http://www.cesnet.cz/|CESNET]] acts as an **operator** of the federation - enforces the federation policy and coordinates all the activity, manages member registration, provides support and resolves security incidents. Federation **members** are organizations, which have been completed the registration process. Member organizations may run one or more **components** which release user information or provide services. Dependent on the purpose, there are two types of federation components: * **identity provider** - connected to the organization's user management system, provides authentication and user information * **service provider** - provides online services or acces to online resources ====== Membership ====== Every organization, which complies with the [[https://www.cesnet.cz/gimg/default/1/1/7/3/1173-Terms_and_conditions_access_to_CESNET.pdf|Access Policy]], may become a member without restrictions. Other organizations may join the federation, but as service providers only. More information about the membership is available in the [[.:join:]] section. * [[.:mrps:]] ====== Technology ====== The eduID.cz federation is based on the [[http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/|Shibboleth project]] developed by [[http://www.internet2.edu/|Internet2]]. Since it is a standard-compliant [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAML|SAML]] implementation, it may be compatible with other SAML implementations like [[http://simplesamlphp.org/|simpleSAMLphp]] for example. ====== Metadata ====== See the [[en:tech:summary|technical overview page]].